Cultural Event

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Festivals & Cultural Events Module

A true happiness in this world is the right terrestrial aim of man, and true happiness lies in the finding and maintenance of natural harmony of spirit, mind and body. A culture is to be valued to the extent to which it has discovered the right key of this harmony and organised its expressive motives and movements.

"- Sri Aurobindo"

A festival or cultural event is a celebration that focuses upon a theme and may run for hours to weeks. The module allows users to estimate the number of overnight and day visits with just attendance numbers and a general idea of the geographic draw of the event.

The module has tried to provide a prospective to what India is and has always been, and how people in this vast sub-continent celebrate life in myriad forms.

Cultural events play and important role in the development of an individual’s emotional, cognitive and social development; despite the individual peculiarities and differences of the participants, cultural events strengthen the unity of group members. The develop the skills of cooperation and communication.